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Reduced death rates from colorectal cancer with FIT screening

An analysis of Kaiser Permanente patients in California found a 33% reduced risk of dying from colorectal cancer among those completing at least one at-home fecal immunochemical test (FIT) screening. The study was published in JAMA Network Open. In 2007, Kaiser Permanente Southern California began ...

  • Online physician ratings may not be accurate

    September 17, 2019
    The physician ratings that patients see online may be inaccurate when compared to ratings compiled from surveys conducted internally by health care organizations, according to new research published today (Sept. 17, 2019) in the Journal of General Internal Medicine. “We know that patients often rely on online ratings when choosing doctors,” said Kanu Okike, MD, MPH, ...
  • Dr. Steven Jacobsen of Kaiser Permanente elected president-elect of the American College of Epidemiology

    September 10, 2019
    The Senior Director of Research for Kaiser Permanente Southern California, Steven J. Jacobsen, MD, PhD, has been elected by his peers to the office of president-elect of the American College of Epidemiology (ACE) for the 2020 membership year. He will assume the College’s presidency in 2021. The election results were announced today (Sept. 10, 2019) at ...
  • Maternal diabetes and risk for children

    August 2, 2019
    One way researchers at Kaiser Permanente work to make our next generation healthier is by studying children’s environments before birth. Recently several researchers looked at how mothers’ bodies manage sugar—including the type of diabetes that develops in pregnancy, called gestational diabetes—affected their children’s risk for diabetes, overweight/obesity, and cognitive impairment. Researchers at the Department of Research & ...
  • End-of-life: Researchers seek to learn needs of sickest patients

    August 2, 2019
    Researchers at the Department of Research & Evaluation are working to make the final life transitions better for patients and their families. Using analytical analysis, interviews, data queries and more, they aim to find out what people want in their final months and days, and how to improve care during that time. “The goal of medicine ...
  • Tackling a deadly regional disease: Valley fever

    August 2, 2019
    Over the years, the Department of Research & Evaluation’s Division of Clinical Trials Research has tackled some of the most serious infectious diseases facing Americans, including HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C. Recently, the clinical trials team and epidemiologists targeted a deadly regional disease: Valley fever. Also known as coccidioidomycosis, Valley fever is a respiratory disease caused by ...
  • Addressing the social needs of patients

    August 2, 2019
    There is a growing awareness in the health care community that treating a patient’s medical symptoms may not be enough. Their social situation may be the true impediment to a cure. But how does a doctor house the homeless veteran, feed the hungry child, or end loneliness for the aging widower? Right now, investigators at Kaiser Permanente ...
  • Researchers and physicians work together to stem the opioid crisis

    August 2, 2019
    Research is integral to Kaiser Permanente Southern California’s robust program to reduce opioid prescriptions and overdoses. In fact, scientists in 2 of the Department of Research & Evaluation’s scientific divisions are separately pursuing active studies with multiple clinical partners. “We are working to provide evidence to … identify the best strategies to tackle this epidemic,” said ...
  • Researchers seek to reduce heart disease at home and abroad

    August 2, 2019
    Reducing heart disease and one of its major risk factors, high blood pressure, has long been a focus for Kaiser Permanente Southern California’s Department of Research & Evaluation. The work currently in progress will affect lives locally and globally. Several recent studies delved into aspects of blood pressure because high blood pressure is a major risk ...
  • Grant funds work to predict early-stage pancreatic cancer

    August 1, 2019
    The National Institutes of Health has awarded Kaiser Permanente a grant to find a way to predict early-stage pancreatic cancer. Leading the project is principal investigator Bechien Wu, MD, MPH, a clinician investigator with the Department of Research & Evaluation and a gastroenterologist with the Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Medical Center. “Pancreatic cancer is the fourth ...
  • Research: RSV infection can be deadlier than flu in adults

    August 1, 2019
    In many ways, the initial symptoms of influenza and respiratory syncytial virus are indistinguishable. But, research published in Clinical Infectious Diseases last month showed that RSV infection may be even more dangerous than the flu in older adults. The Kaiser Permanente Southern California study of hospitalized adults revealed that RSV infection, a highly contagious respiratory virus ...