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Research explores intensive blood pressure control for patients with chronic kidney disease

The benefits of intensive blood pressure shown in the Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial (SPRINT) also helps patients with chronic kidney disease, according to new research led by Kaiser Permanente and Stanford University. The study was published in January 2025 in JAMA Network Open. The SPRINT ...

  • Bariatric surgery associated with better health for mothers

    August 13, 2021
    A study of more than 20,000 Kaiser Permanente members in Southern California showed that women with obesity who underwent bariatric surgery prior to pregnancy experienced improved outcomes such as a reduced risk of serious pregnancy-related blood pressure conditions, and lower instances of a newborn needing to be sent to the neonatal intensive care unit, or ...
  • Risk of severe COVID-19 higher for patients who recently needed asthma care

    August 10, 2021
    A study of Kaiser Permanente Southern California members diagnosed with COVID-19 found that patients who needed clinical visits for asthma care in the 12 months prior to infection faced a higher risk of severe COVID-19 outcomes than patients who did not have asthma. Of patients who had recent asthma-related visits, those who also received medications for ...
  • 5 questions for … Dr. Sonya Negriff

    August 10, 2021
    Sonya Negriff, PhD, is a developmental psychologist with expertise in the effects of child maltreatment on physical and mental health. She has been with the Department of Research & Evaluation for 3 years. Dr. Negriff examines the pathways linking child maltreatment to negative outcomes such as depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, substance use, obesity, and sexual ...
  • Where you live may affect your long-term survival after heart attack

    August 2, 2021
    A study of more than 31,000 Kaiser Permanente members in Southern California showed that Black patients from disadvantaged neighborhoods were significantly more likely to die within 5 years of surviving a heart attack than white patients. In contrast, there was no difference in rates of death between white patients and Black patients who lived in ...
  • COVID-19 vaccine trials for children are underway

    July 30, 2021
    When their parents asked if they wanted to be part of a COVID-19 vaccine trial for children, Aidan and Avery Shih didn’t have to think about it for long. Both were eager to help end the pandemic. “The vaccine does help you not get COVID, of course, but then also it helps you so you don't spread COVID. So, if enough people get the vaccine, COVID will slow and hopefully eventually stop,” said Aidan, 11.
  • New protocol allows teen to go home same day as chest surgery

    July 27, 2021
    About 5 years ago, John Connell, now 16, was at a water park when a friend pointed his index finger at John’s bare chest and asked, “Were you in a car accident or something?” John looked down at his chest, and then at the chests of the other boys around him, and realized for the first ...
  • Risk of blood clots more than 3-fold higher in hospitalized adults with COVID-19

    July 23, 2021
    Hospitalized adults who have COVID-19 are more than 3 times as likely to develop a blood clot than adults who do not have COVID-19, according to new research from Kaiser Permanente Southern California and Kaiser Permanente Northern California. The study published July 20 in CHEST found Black patients as well as patients who had obesity, liver ...
  • 5 questions for … Dr. Erin Hahn

    June 28, 2021
    Erin E. Hahn, PHD, MPH, is a health services researcher and implementation scientist. Her primary research interests are quality of care in oncology and the implementation of evidence-informed practices. She is particularly interested in the care of cancer survivors after their initial cancer treatment. Dr. Hahn joined the Department of Research & Evaluation as the ...
  • Rates of heart failure deaths lower at Kaiser Permanente Southern California than U.S.

    June 28, 2021
    A Kaiser Permanente Southern California research study found lower rates of heart failure mortality within the integrated health care system compared to the country as a whole. “In our study, we analyzed the overall rates of death attributable to heart failure throughout the state of California and United States, and then compared that to what we ...
  • Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Medical Center joins COVID-19 vaccine trial for children

    June 11, 2021
    Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Medical Center is participating in a clinical trial for the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine in children ages 6 months to less than 12 years. The KidCOVE study will evaluate the safety and efficacy of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine (mRNA-1273), which is the same vaccine that was given Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) in December ...