HIV/AIDS studies

We address the challenges that patients with HIV and their physicians face with the long-term use of antiretroviral agents, the aging of the HIV-infected population and HIV/HCV co-infections. Clinicians are involved in evaluating the safety and efficacy of new treatment in clinical trials. We study the incidence and risk factors for AIDS-defining and non-AIDS-defining conditions such as cancers and other chronic diseases, and patterns of general disease screening and the use of preventive measures. Studies monitor adverse events after patients start on new retrovirals and identify prognostic markers in AIDS-related lymphoma.

Addressing cancer treatment disparities for persons with HIV

This study is to investigate disparities by HIV status and modifiable risk factors for delays in cancer treatment initiation, treatment completion, and short- and long-term adverse events for persons with HIV (PWH) who were members of the Veteran’s Administration or Kaiser Permanente, the two largest healthcare systems in the United States. Study findings will provide necessary data to inform HIV-specific cancer treatment guidelines and improve cancer care delivery and outcomes for PWH.

Site Principal Investigator:

Rulin C. Hechter, MD, PhD

Funding Source:

National Cancer Institute (NCI)

Funding Years:

2021 - 2026

Research Categories:


Developing an HIV Specific-Specific Prevention Index Using Electronic Medical Record (HIV PI)

The goals of this study are to assess in HIV-infected patients, the degree of association between successful general clinical care by HIV disease-treating providers (reflected in overall adherence to recommended general prevention and screening guidelines) and higher-quality HIV-specific care and related clinical outcome.

Principal Investigator:

Chun Chao, PhD, MS

Funding Source:

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

Funding Years:

2010 - 2013